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Frequently Asked Questions


Are you providing online access for all your events?

Yes, we always offer the option to attend our events online. You can explore our Agenda page and use the Online filter.

Additionally, recordings of most sessions are available on our Tutorials page.


Where can I access the content from past events?

Most sessions are available on our Tutorials page. We also keep the uncut recordings of our events on our Linkedin page.


What types of companies usually partner with you?

We partner with AI tools that have stable products ready for scalable use.

Our collaborations span companies of all sizes, from startups to large tech corporations. With a startup-friendly offering, reach out if your product is ready for prime time!


Can you provide an invoice if I purchase a ticket?

Yes, invoices come directly from Eventbrite. Please use the form above if you haven't received one.


What is the best way to stay informed about your upcoming events?

Glad you asked! Our newsletter is the most compelling source to stay informed about everything we do. You can join it here.